Of expired, sub-standard and toxic products from Asia sold to the African market.

The relationship between China and Africa is one which has to be determined by speaking out and letting them know through boycotts and other means of protest that it is not acceptable to sell toys to our kids that are laced with lead or high levels of BPA – it is not going to fly if the appliances sold to us are fire hazards and electrocuting our children – we need to call the Chinese and Indian embassies and log our complaints when such products show up in Uganda. It is not acceptable that African women are sold makeup and other feminine products that are sub-standard, burning to the skin and causing toxic shock syndrome. Our sick should not be subjected to the double jeopardy of dealing with the illness and the prolonged pain of utilizing ineffective and expired drugs.
If we have managed to see some of these harzards with just the naked eye , what of those hidden chemicals, such as plastic food wraps which carry a cancer causing agent when heated to 80 degrees urea – formaldehyde and many other chemicals found in plastic wraps and bottles. We need to let folks at the other end know that we are also human and we deserve better.
The equivalent of the FDA(Food and Drug administration) in Uganda, has to be vigilant in discovering these consumer products and banning them at the ports of entry. The last I checked, they had a few employees and had already lost the battle of expired drugs from India – it is a mess out there and if we are not careful an entire generation could become retarded due to lead poisoning and dependent on China and India for all our brain trust. It is an economic war that we must win, because our best resource at this moment is the brilliance of our kids. We need to form a consumer group to act as a watch dog for such products.